Informing Your GP of Caring Role

If your GP (General Practitioner) knows that you are a carer, they can provide you with really useful support, advice and information. They can signpost you to the We Care You Care website or guide for information to help you and contact details for local support. They may refer you directly to local support such as Carers Together, The Junction Foundation and Teesside Mind They can also help you understand what you're entitled to as a carer – such as a free flu jab.

It’s important to tell them about your caring responsibilities so that they can offer support. We have created a form that will hopefully make this easy for you, the form asks for some basic details from you such as name, D.O.B and relationship to cared-for and there is an optional section where you can add information for the person being cared for providing they are at the same GP surgery as yourself. The idea is to print and complete the form, hand it into your surgery or complete it online and email it (if appropriate). 

The GP Surgery Carer Self Identification Form has been created in partnership with Teesside Mind.

Download the form-