Find Local Help

Connect to local help and support banner, orange line at top and bottom of image with pictures that depict iconic landmarks across the South Tees area

There is a fantastic range of organisations delivering services specifically for unpaid carers across the South Tees. They genuinely understand and want to help you with emotional or practical support. 

The South Tees includes Middlesbrough and Redcar and Cleveland (covering Brotton, Guisborough, the Greater Eston part of Middlesbrough, Loftus, Saltburn, Skelton). 

If you have not already had a carer's assessment, this would be a great place to start. Find out what a carer's assessment is and how you can access one.

South Tees Carers Support:
Carers Together logo

Adult Carers Information Support Service: Carers Together offer a wide range of services, information, advice and support for carers across the South Tees area. Find out more.

Telephone: 01642 488977 

Visit their; websiteFacebook and Twitter page for the latest information, activities and events. You can register with Carers Together online here.

The Junction Foundation logo

The Junction Foundation's Young Carers Information and Support Service offers a range of support to Young Carers, Families and Young Adult Carers across South Tees. Find out more.

Telephone: 01642 756000 

Visit their; websiteFacebook and Twitter page for the latest information, activities and events.

Mind Teesside

Teesside Mind provide an emotional wellbeing support service for carers across the South Tees. Find out more.

Telephone: 01642 257020  Email:

Visit their; website or Facebook for the latest information, activities and events.

Complete an online referral form for Mind Teesside


Next Steps logo

Are you aged 15 to 25 with a caring responsibility? If so Next Steps Transitions Service, delivered in partnership The Junction and Carers Together are here to support you in your caring journey. Next Steps offers a range of support dependant on your circumstances to help you to manage your caring responsibilities. Find out more

Telephone:  01642 756000 or 01642 488977  

Text/WhatsApp: General information-07767117556 Monday to Friday 9-5pm

Email: or

Use the Carers Information and Support Map to identify where carers guides can be collected in your local community and find your local Carer Friendly GP Surgery.  


Browse more local services available to support you, just click on your local area.

Mobilise logo





  • Is an online community of unpaid carers supporting each other through interactive services.
  • Can direct carers to local support however the service is designed to target carers who do not have the time or wish to engage with services and support in person or over the phone.

Local Authority support

Both Middlesbrough Council and Redcar and Cleveland Council provide a range of services to support, inform and advise local carers. Click on your local authority to find out how they can assist you:

ACT (Accessing Change Together) Middlesbrough is here to help anyone who needs support with domestic abuse, homelessness, or substance use. We know that people have different needs, so the support you get will depend on your circumstances. ACT is an integrated service, which means that lots of support services are working together to help you. This makes it easier for you to get the right support. It also means you don't have to repeat yourself, because any provider you work with will have access to your information. If you need help but it's not urgent, Email: If you need help urgently, Telephone: 01642 726800. You can also call us if you do not have an email address.

Autism Central has been set up by nine leading not-for-profit organisations in the UK and commissioned by NHS England’s Workforce, Training and Education Team. Our aim is to offer parents and carers of autistic people easy access to autism education, training and support. The Autism Central website is a gateway to information on autism - from articles and training materials to contacts in your area.

Branches Middlesbrough (Peer Support)- Branches were set up to support people who are affected by others' use of drugs and alcohol. We are a peer-led support group where you can talk to others who are or have experienced feelings similar to your own. Weekly group meeting: Thursday, Wilko's Cafe, Middlesbrough, 11-1pm. Telephone: 07934 104283

Contact Listening Ear Service- Free, confidential support over the phone with the Family Support Adviser for parents and carers of children with neurodevelopmental needs. Book appointment: For more info: Telephone: 0800 2540 890 Email:

Citizens Advice Bureau- Providing free, confidential and impartial advice. Their goal is to help everyone find a way forward, whatever problem they face. Citizens Advice Redcar & Cleveland- Adviceline: 03444 111 444 Telephone: 01642 030000 Email: Middlesbrough Citizens Advice Bureau- Telephone: 01642 802282 Adviceline: 0344 499 4110 E-mail: contact form:

Daisy Chain provides a range of support services to autistic children and adults, either with a diagnosis or who are undergoing the diagnostic process, their parents/carers and their siblings. Telephone: 01642 531248 Email:

Down’s Syndrome North East The leading organisation for the help and support of all people with Down’s Syndrome and their families and friends. Offer support in Teesside. Telephone: 0870 765 2121 Text: 07740511814

Guisborough Bridge Association offer a range of community activities providing opportunities to connect to other local people such as community luncheon's, music and memories sessions and chair based exercise groups. Contact Guisborough Bridge for more details- Telephone: Lorraine Nash (Manager): 07890 228851 Office Answerphone: 01287 638771 E-mail:

Healthwatch South Tees is the operating name for Healthwatch Redcar & Cleveland and Healthwatch Middlesbrough. Healthwatch is the independent champion for people who use health and social care services. Telephone: 0800 118 1691 between the hours of 09:00 – 17:00 Monday to Friday Text service: 07451288789 Email:

MAIN offers advice and support to families who have a child or young adult with an Autistic Spectrum Condition and those with disabilities. MAIN also provide short breaks enabling increased chances of independence and reduced reliance on the welfare state. Telephone: 01642 608012 

Matrix Neurological provides practical help and support to children and young people living with the effects of an acquired brain injury. The team provide peer support, practical and emotional support. Telephone: 01642 989116 E-mail:

Neuro Key work across the Tees Valley, Durham and North Yorkshire helping people who live or care for someone with a neurological condition. A neurological condition is a health disorder involving the brain and nervous system. Email; 

SEND Family Voice Redcar & Cleveland  Email: Telephone: 01642 438549 SEND Family Voice is the recognised and funded parent carer forum for Redcar and Cleveland, whose aim is to create a strong and represented community of families who have children and young people with special educational needs. Download a membership form: SEND Family Voice RC membership form

The South Tees SENDiass The South Tees SENDiass offers free impartial, confidential information and advice for children and young people aged 0-25 and their parents and carers where a child or young person has or may have special educational needs or disability. Telephone: 07923 241142 Email:

Recovery Connections provide a community focussed recovery service in Middlesbrough. The team recognise the impact addiction can have on family and friends and can connect you to local and national support. Email: or Telephone: 01642 351976 for more information.

ReGenerate- Hope For Autism Run by successful autistic adults, for all autistic children, young people and adults - We provide flexible, ongoing support, using various exercises and activities to overcome anxiety and sensory challenges. Email:

Take Heart Support Group Teesside (Take Heart). Take Heart provide guided exercise (led by trained tutors) and social activities for people with heart problems across the South Tees area. Text only: 07514656130 Online email form: here 

Teesside Stroke Club. Support is provided through exercise classes which are tailored to the needs and abilities of each individual member. An important part of our club is to improve the confidence of stroke survivors through socialising with members who can empathise with their situation this is also a useful support mechanism for carers. Exercise sessions are delivered in Middlesbrough but are available for individuals and their carers across Teesside. Telephone: 07977137836   

Tees Osteoporosis Support Group. The Tees Support Group is a team of volunteers who offer people affected with osteoporosis the chance to meet other people in the area similarly affected, get information, support and ask questions about osteoporosis treatment and care. Telephone: 07425 880534 Email: 

Tees Valley Buddies is a neurodiverse self-advocacy and peer support charity. Telephone: 07934 449500 Email:

We Are With You. Free, confidential advice and support for Redcar & Cleveland adults and young people about their own or a loved one's drug and alcohol use. Telephone0300 3033781 Online chat Mon to Fri 9am-9pm Sat & Sun 10am- 4pm. 

Whippet Up Telephone: 07771 873057 Email: Whippet Up runs free Art and Wellbeing sessions across Redcar & Cleveland and Middlesbrough. Find a session near to you and join in the fun! 

Middlesbrough Carers will be directed to the carers section on Middlesbrough Matters
Find support in Redcar and Cleveland