The term carer can mean different things to different people and can be very confusing. You may have heard the term an ‘unpaid’ carer or an ‘informal’ carer; a carer is anyone who provides care for a member of their family, friend or a neighbour who can’t manage due to illness or frailty. You don’t have you live in the same house or the same town to be classed as a carer. Caring can include doing tasks such as shopping, attending medical appointments, picking up prescriptions, providing emotional support, personal care, helping with the housework and much more.
Carers often put their own health needs to one side to carry on providing support instead of visiting the GP when they become unwell. Completing the carer registration form means you are officially informing the GP and other healthcare staff of your role. Benefits include being invited to attend for vaccinations (I.e. flu vaccine), the opportunity to discuss an emergency care plan if you need hospital care or have an emergency in the future. They can also signpost you to the We Care You Care website or guide for information and contact details for local support or they may refer you directly to local support (with consent) such as Carers Together, The Junction Foundation and Teesside Mind.
Carers often think the GP or reception staff are already aware that they are a carer but if you haven’t officially registered, you may be missing out on essential health and wellbeing support. We Care You Care have created a carer registration form, in partnership with Teesside Mind, which is easy to complete and can be handed to the receptionist at the surgery without the need to explain, or email over if more convenient (see below).
This initiative is part of an ongoing project in South Tees to encourage GP practices to be more carer friendly.
Download and complete the form and hand in or email to your surgery.